Borders and Lulu Team Up For Self-Publishing

Back in February of 2008 the Self-Publishing world was abuzz with the news of Borders Book Retailers teaming up with, a self-publishing company. Aspiring writers and those of us who had already published books through Lulu were excited at the prospect of getting our books on the shelves at such a major retailer as Borders.

The merging was touted as “blazing trails in publishing”; “…a match made in heaven…” “…millions of customers will be able to fulfill their dream of publishing their stories and sharing them with the world.”

At last we self-publishers would have the opportunity sell our hard work and be read by the consumer!

Ha! The joke was on us. Sure Lulu is a great place to self-publish one’s work. In my opinion one of, if not the best place. And don’t get me wrong, I love Borders, it shop there weekly. But trying to get Borders to carry my Lulu published book on their shelves, I found was like counting on winning the lottery. It ain’t gonna happen.

Tulsa has two Borders book stores and both refused my plea to carry my book. I was told in both instances, “We don’t stock self-published books because we aren’t able to return them should they not sell.” Both store managers suggested I try Steve’s Sundries Book Retailer here in Tulsa. Well I did, and I’m happy to say Steve’s Sundries was more than happy to carry it. Thank you Steve’s Sundries, for giving a struggling writer a chance.
I even contacted Lulu and was told that Borders does carry their author’s books, and that it was up to the discretion of the individual Borders store managers.
Tulsa Borders…Shame on you.

“Borders and Lulu --bringing the dreams of the everyday writer to reality –.” Believe that, and I’ve got some beach-front property located here in Tulsa, Oklahoma to sell you.

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