Weekend Writing Prompts

On the web, you'll find hundreds if not thousands of sites that provide writing prompts for those times in all of us when we just can't seem to get anything down on paper, (or computer screen, in some cases). One such site which I found to be pretty good is at writingfix.com. Corbett Harrison has created a prompt generator that is very simple to use. Simply go to the page, click on the random writing fix button and voila, a prompt will appear. Check it out, I think you'll like it.
The reason I titled this post "Weekend Writing Prompts" is because I will be posting here Monday through Friday for the most part. Weekends I'm kept pretty busy with working on my novel, not to mention the 'honey-do's' my wife finds for me to do around the house. Occasionally I may pop in to post something on the weekend though.

Anyway, check out writingfix.com for your writing prompts and keep writing....

Have a great weekend!


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