The Fight Before Christmas

I wrote this for the December party of the Cherry Street Poets and read it to the group. Since the response was so good
I decided to post it here. Share it if you like.

The Fight Before Christmas

‘Twas the fight before Christmas
Black Friday it’s called
It’s the day after Thanksgiving
and oh what a brawl

The shoppers are lined
outside the stores by the mile
the first couple of days
they’re all laughter and smiles

But the closer it gets
to Six Friday morn,
the less festive things are
with temperaments worn.

At first people were friendly
to other people in line
they shared the warmth of their tents
and perhaps a bottle of wine.

But early that morn
as the sun started to rise
their thoughts switched from camaraderie
to obtaining their prize.

The blankets and the tents
were folded and crammed
beneath their arms –perhaps weapons
when the pushing began

Two minutes ‘till six
the crowd’s on their feet
and the shuffling begins
toward the doors from the street

Pressed now against the glass
through the doors they can see
the employee approach
in his hand - was the key.

With a turn of the key
and a click of the lock
the moment has come
it’s now six o’clock!

As the doors swing open
and the crowd pushes in
the fight before Christmas
is about to begin.

There’s screaming and shouting
and pushing as they run
some trip and are trampled
as if this is fun!

There’s snatching and grabbing
and tugging at stuff
what was fun in the beginning
is now turning rough!

Those who were friendly outside
are friendly no more
they’re now locked in a battle
right there in the store!

Pandemonium arises
as store clerks stand by
Black Friday is here
and the fists start to fly!

These are the people
who the day just before
gave thanks for what they have…
but now wanted more.

Black Friday was here
and all through the city
We welcome the season
but oh what a pity.

Twas the fight before Christmas
and what began as a brawl
will end them wishing….
Merry Christmas to all!

~ Jim Jordan

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