Waiting to Exhale

When we have nothing to say, we should just listen. It's not that I have nothing to say. My mind is always busy. I've been thinking of writing more poetry.
For me, poetry seems to come in floods every two years. Why, I don't know. It's time I think. I can feel the poetry waters rising inside me. I definitely want to release another book of poems soon.
I no longer belong to any online poetry clubs, so I don't have that camaraderie with other poets. Here in the real world, I know of no one else who writes. So it's sort of like being on a raft in the ocean. I'm alone, with my pen and pad. I read somewhere once that writing can be a lonely path. Don't remember where I read it.
Hey on another subject....Billy Collins' new book of poems came out this week! It's called "Ballistics". I'm always excited when he releases a new book.

Well that's all for now...I have work to do.

Nameste ~ J

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