Rejection Letters - Why I Hate Them (not what you think)

Okay here’s my rant this week.

It’s about rejection letters. Not the fact that I receive them for my writing submissions to agents and publishers, I expect that. The problem I have is the way they reject.

When a writer submits to an agent or publisher they have very strict guidelines to follow in regards to submission format. (see my blog post below for an example of what they expect)

So if the writer doesn’t stick to these guidelines explicitly their submission immediately goes into the trash and not even read. Therefore we writers diligently craft each submission query letter to each agent’s or publisher’s demands, in the hopes said agent or publisher will read their query letter and reply with hopefully a request to see more. If we do receive a rejection slip, which is more often than not, we writers do expect a little respect.

COME ON PEOPLE! Would it hurt to send at least a half-page letter explaining why we were rejected? Perhaps some hint as to why we were rejected, besides the “This doesn’t meet our current needs” line. Some of the rejection “letters” I’ve received are no more than a 2” x 1” scrap of paper saying “we’re not interested at this time”. Really? Is this the best they can do?

There should be some guidelines for rejection letters. Something with at least three paragraphs, each one stating the - who, what, when and why they are rejecting us. I realize these people are very busy, but at least some sort of form letter (actually mentioning the title of our submission) with check-boxes of reasons for rejections.
If it weren’t for us writers you agents and publishers wouldn’t even have a job.
Show us some respect!

There, now with that said, I need to start working on some more query letters to send out. Now where are those guidelines….

Do Agents Really Read Query Letters?

Agents take queries very seriously, and yes, they really do read them. It’s not some universal rumor that agents have perpetuated because they all have a secret fetish for being bombarded with mail. Sure, agents make it sound like digging through the slush pile is the last priority of their day. Some agents even relegate the ambivalent task of reading unsolicited queries to an assistant or intern. But the fact of the matter is that most agents do read queries. Even more importantly, agents actually respond to ones that spark their interest.

So write a professional, intelligent, concise, intriguing query and not only will you entice an agent to ask for more, but you’ll move yourself one step closer to a book sale.

The Basics

A query letter is a single page cover letter, introducing you and your book. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s not a resume. It’s not rambling saga of your life as an aspiring writer. It’s not a friendly, “Hey, what’s up, buddy. I’m the next John Grisham. Got the next best selling thriller for ya,” kind of letter. And for the love of god, it is NOT more than one-page. Trust us on this.

A query letter has three concise paragraphs: the hook, the mini-synopsis, and your writer’s biography. Don’t stray from this format. You won’t catch an agent’s attention by inventing a creative new query format. You’ll just alienate your chances of being taken seriously as a professional writer. A query letter is meant to elicit an invitation to send sample chapters or even the whole manuscript to the agent. It’s not meant to show off how cute and snazzy you can be by breaking formatting rules and going against the grain. Keep it simple. Stick to three paragraphs. The goal is to get the agent to read your book, not to blow you off because you screwed up the introduction.

Paragraph One—The Hook: A hook is a concise, one-sentence tagline for your book. It’s meant to hook your reader’s interest, and wind them in. The best way to understand how to write a hook is to read the loglines of the titles sold by agents in our free searchable AQ database.

Here are a few examples of hooks for well-known novels:

House of Sand and Fog
When Massoud Amir Behrani, a former colonel in the Iranian military, sinks his remaining funds into a house he buys at auction, he unwittingly puts himself and his family on a trajectory to disaster; the house once belonged to Kathy Nicolo, a self-destructive alcoholic, who engages in legal, then personal confrontation to get it back.

Bridges of Madison County
When Robert Kincaid drives through the heat and dust of an Iowa summer and turns into Francesca Johnson's farm lane looking for directions, the world-class photographer and the Iowa farm wife are joined in an experience that will haunt them forever.

The Corrections
When family patriarch, Alfred Lambert, enters his final decline, his wife and three adult children must face the failures, secrets, and long-buried hurts that haunt them as a family if they are to make the corrections that each desperately needs.

The "When" Formula: As you can see, we’re a fan of the when formula: “When such and such event happens, your main character—a descriptive adjective, age, professional occupation—must confront further conflict and triumph in his or her own special way. Sure, it’s a formula, but it’s a formula that works.

However, be warned...everyone and their grandmother who reads this site will try using our "when" formula, so we recommend simply using it as a starting point. Write your basic hook, then try spicing things up as you get more and more into the groove of "hooking." And don't worry, it's legal in every state, not just Nevada.

Other Great Ways to Start Your Hook:

Give era and location: Three Different Examples:

Set in modern-day Jerusalem...

During the summer of 1889 in a rural Texas town...

Taking place in turn-of-the-century New York City...

Set up your main character: Three Different Examples:

The tale of Una Spencer, wife of Melville's legendary fictional whale harpooner Captain Ahab...

A chatty cozy mystery starring 50-something college professor Bell Barrett...

Narrated by Cot Daley, an Irish peasant girl kidnapped from Galway and sent to Barbados...

Variations on the "when" formula: Three Different Examples:

Following a botched circumcision...

While defending a drug-addicted prostitute accused of murder....

After years of abuse at the hands of her alcoholic mother and step-father...

Paragraph Two—Mini-synopsis: This is where you get to distill your entire 300 page novel into one paragraph. Lucky you. We’d like to offer advice on how to do this, but really, it just takes practice, hard work and lots of patience. Then, like we said before, get your friends to read it and if their heads hurt afterwards, go back to the drawing board. We don’t envy you. We really don’t. Summing up your entire book in an intriguing single paragraph is worse than a root canal.

So think of it this way. You had trouble writing the gist of your book in one sentence, right? Now, you get a whole paragraph. About 150 extra words. Here’s your chance to expand on your hook. Give a little bit more information about your main characters, their problems and conflicts, and the way in which adversity changes their lives. Read the back flaps of your favorite novels and try to copy how the conflict of the book is described in a single, juicy paragraph. You can do this. You really can. You just have to sit down, brainstorm, then vomit it all out onto the page. Afterwards, cut, paste, trim, revise, and reshape.

Paragraph Three—Writer’s bio: This should be the easiest part of your query. After all, it’s about you, the writer. Okay, so it’s a bit daunting, especially if you’ve never been published, never won any awards, hold no degrees from MFA writing schools, and possess no credentials to write your book. No problem. The less you have to say, the more space you have for your mini-synopsis. Always a plus.

If you do choose to construct a writer’s bio (and you should), keep it short and related to writing. Agents don’t care what your day job is unless it directly relates to your book. Got a main character who’s a firefighter, and that’s your day job? Be sure to say that. Otherwise, scrap it. Education is helpful because it sounds good, but it’s only really important if you’re offering a nonfiction book about A.D.D. children and you hold a PhD in pediatric behavioral science. If you’ve published a few stories in your local newspaper, or a short story in a few literary magazines, or won any writing awards or contests, now’s the time to list the details. Don’t go hog wild, but don’t be too modest either.

Your Closing: Congratulations! You’ve finished your query letter. As a formal closing, be sure to do two things. First, thank the agent for her time and consideration. Second, if it’s nonfiction, tell them that you’ve included an outline, table of contents, and sample chapters for their review. If it’s fiction, alert the agent that the full manuscript is available upon request. And in case you still don’t believe us, we want to reiterate: don’t query agents until you’ve finished your full fiction manuscript. Agents will want to read the whole novel before they offer representation to you and your book.

Other Random Query Letter Tips:

The Do’s:

Do address your query specifically to an agent.

Nowadays, more and more agencies prefer email queries. Great for you, right? After all, email queries are free, fast and easy-peezy to send. Just the click of a button. Well, here's the downside: Ri-DIC-ulous amounts of email queries are being received by agents every day. Like, over 100 queries a DAY. And that's average for the more popular agents.

So if your query is addressed to "Whom it May Concern" — even if the agency's submission guidelines state "send all email queries to" — guess what is going to happen to your precious 1 little email out 100? Yeppers... The big ol' DELETE.

For this reason, always, always, always address your email query to somebody... even if it's the intern's name (and sometimes it is the intern or assistant screening those 100-email queries-per-day). Always address it to a specific agent.

As far as salutations, there are lots of greetings from which to choose. Here are your options in order of best to worst:

Attn. Ms. Shermanstein:
Dear Adrian Shermanstein:
Dear Ms. Shermanstein:
Dear Ms. Shermanstein,
Dear Adrian,
Yo Adrian,

Do state the title of your book.

You wouldn't believe how many wanna-be writers sweat for weeks and weeks over their query's hook and mini-syn, only to totally forget to include the title of their book in their query.

The title of your book should be included in at the beginning of your query — preferably in your hook — but at the very least, in the very first few sentences.

For some whacko reason, (and we have no idea why), newbie writers who don't completely forget to mention their book's title in their query, instead, do this really weird thing: they bury it at the end of their query. Like deep in the closing paragraph. Like it's some big reveal.

Don't be weird. Phhhhlease. State your book's title somewhere in the beginning of your query. You've been warned.

BTW, if you're sending an email query, include your title in the subject line: QUERY: AN AWKWARD FORM OF PROSTITUTION. And yeah, the catchier your title, the better chances your query will be opened and glanced over before those other 99-email queries.

Do mention the word count and genre of your book.

Novels should be 80,000 to 100,00 words. Young adult novels can be significantly less: 40,000-60,000 words. Suavely insert word count and genre at the end of your first “hook” paragraph.

If your novel is a 200,000 word Weight Watchers candidate... our advice? Cut it down before you start querying.

Agents hit DELETE on a proposed first-time novel over 110,000-120,000, so you have two choices. You can either omit your word count (which is going to circle back to bite you in the bum when they request a partial, so we don't advise this...) or you can cut it down. Unless your first novel is an family saga historical or a science fiction battle epic, agents have little tolerance for chubby debut novels because major publishers simply don't buy them. Too expensive to print and distribute. Too risky of an investment.

Do mention exactly why you’re approaching Ms. Agent.

Well, this one is more of a "Try-Your-Best-To..." Try your best to compare your book with other books that Ms. Agent has represented in the past. Or, at the very least, let her know that you've done some research, looked at her website, read her blog, checked out her submission guidelines and reviewed what she says she's looking for, blah, blah, blah.

And we'll admit, this "try-to" is one of those things that newbie writers do for the first 20-30 queries, and then it quickly gets dropped in favor of the numbers game. But if you met the agent at a conference or respond to a specific call for submissions that Ms. Agent posted on Twitter or her blog, then definitely mention it.

Do adopt the "proper" tone for your query letter.

Yes, a query should be a professional business letter, but honestly, writing a query in the same manner as a regular cover letter is a recipe for snoozeville.

A great query should not only tell an agent what your book is about, but it should also match your book's tone.

Got a cozy mystery novel with a witty, self-depricating female sleuth? Then, why are you making your query sound like a stuffy academic dissertation? Got a suspenseful thriller with a hard-boiled edge? Then, why does your query letter sound like a bone-dry, business letter?
Matching your query's tone to the tone of your book is one of those tips that sounds like a "risk," because everyone will tell you to keep it professional. But really, we're not taking about writing your query from the POV of one of your characters. We're talking about showing your voice through your query's tone, and proving to an agent that you really understand your book's genre, and ultimately, its marketability.

Do keep your query to one-page only.

This is "old school" advice, especially since the majority of younger agents who are actively building their client list only accept email queries. A one-page query letter is a luxury. In the age of emailed queries and GenY nano-second attention spans, you've got to hook an agent in half that time. Your limit is 250 words. 300 max. If you really believe you can't distill down your book into a 250 email query, you've either written one of those literary masterpieces in which there's zippo plot, or you need some help learning the art of the query.

Do format your snail mail query using standard business letter alignment and spacing.

That means: Single spaced. 12 point font. Everything aligned along the left margin. No paragraph indentations, but a space between each paragraph. One-page only!

However, if you're sending an email query, be sure to send a version to yourself--and a few other email addresses--in order to search and destroy all those weird formatting blips. When you start copying and pasting from MS Word into email browsers, you'll be horrified to see how fonts and indentations become all FOOKED up. One of the best solutions is to copy and paste your query into a text editor, like Notepad, strip it bare of any formatting, and then re-edit your query directly in your email's browser.

Do list your phone number, mailing address, and email address, but only IF you're sending a snail mail query.
If you're sending an email query, then don't waste the precious space. Start with Dear Ms. Agent: and then vomit right into your query letter.

Do include a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) with all snail mail submissions.

However, if you're looking to streamline the whole snail mail thing, and you don't feel the need to pay for the privilege of receiving rejection letters via your SASE, simply state at the end of your query that no SASE is enclosed, and instead, Ms. Agent can simply email you regarding a request for a partial or full; otherwise, no additional response is required from the agent (like a "form" rejection letter).

Do have a pair of "fresh eyes" proofread for typos and grammar mistakes.
How many typos have you found thus far? Yeah, exactly. Bet it's driving you nutszooooo.... Since most five year-olds can type and spell better than the AQCrew, be sure to get someone, anyone, even a five year-old, to proofread your query...

The Do NOT’s:

Do NOT start off your query by saying, "I am querying you because I found your name in 'such and such' writing guide or internet agent database" (like AQ!). Not only does this take up valuable query letter space, but it's also the sign of an amateur.

Do NOT refer to your novel as a fictional novel. That’s redundant. Just call it a novel.

Do NOT sing the praises of your book or compare it with other best selling books.

Do NOT send gifts or other bribes with your query.

Do NOT print your query on perfumed or colored paper. Use plain business stationery.

Do NOT shrink your font down to 9 point so it all fits on one page. 12 point is standard. 11 point if you’re really desperate.

Do NOT Fedex or mail your query in a lavish, signature-required fashion in order to make your query stand out. It will stand out, but in a very "annoying, over-zealous, bad first impression" kind of way. Not to mention, it's a friggin' waste of money.

Do NOT apologize in your query for being a newbie writer with zero publishing credits and experience. Your goal is to write a tight, alluring, eye-catching query and sound like a professional. If you're worried about your lack of writing credentials, just keep quiet and let the writing speak for itself.

Do NOT include sample chapters of your novel with your query UNLESS an agent's submission guidelines specifically SAY to include sample pages with your snail mail query. If you really feel compelled to show an agent your writing style along with your query letter, include only the first 5 pages of your novel. Never send more than the first 5 pages with your query unless the guidelines say, "A-Okay!"

Do NOT forget to list your email address or contact phone number on your query.

Do NOT forget to enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE)

Here is a sample of one of my query letters.

Jim d. Jordan
4315 E. 30th St.
Tulsa, OK. 74114
(918) 704-3303

The Paula Balzer Agency
55 Eastern Parkway #5H
Brooklyn, NY 11238

Dear Ms. Balzer:

When Monica Savage, the wife of one of the country’s richest men Tom Savage, becomes the apparent victim of abduction and her billionaire husband is later found brutally murdered and dismembered, Monica’s ex-husband Johnny Zen steps in to unravel the truth. During Johnny’s investigation into Tom and Monica Savage, he uncovers a tawdry tale of sex, murder, and deceit, and Monica Savage is in the middle of it all.

Johnny Zen is reaching middle-age and going through mid-life crises. He’s divorced, uncertain about the future of his career or that of his love life despite his current love interest, much younger than he is. Johnny’s a washed-up radio Dee Jay and part-time novelist with a nose for trouble. He finds plenty of it when he winds up on the list of suspects in the murder of Tom Savage. The authorities believe Monica conspired to kill her husband, faked her abduction, and is on the run. They also believe Johnny may be her accomplice. Johnny believes Monica is innocent and has indeed been abducted. He sets out to find Monica before the authorities do. Along the way Johnny discovers all is not as it appears to be. He also comes to realize the purpose of his very existence.

My recently completed novel Savage Lust is an eighty-thousand-word psycho-thriller set in Key West, Florida. Savage Lust is my first full-length novel. My previous published work includes Chasing Emily, and Dance of the Divine, two volumes of poetry comprised of award-winning poems I’ve written and submitted to various contests and publications. I am currently working on my second novel.

Enclosed you’ll find an S.A.S.E. for your response. I look forward to hearing from you regarding our long and prosperous relationship as agent and author.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Jim d. Jordan


I have a new poetry book out called Dance of the Divine. It is dedicated to my wife Jan who dances the divine dance with me each and every day.

It is currently available at my publisher

The following is the preface from the book.

The Dance of the Divine is one each of us does every day
of our lives. It is the Divine Dance of life itself. It is the
beginning, the middle, and the end of all that we encounter.
It is the journey of joy and happiness, laughter and love,
as well as pain and heartache, suffering and loss.

It is also a spiritual journey that leads us on a search of
who we are and how we fit into the grand scheme of the
great cosmos.

Our ballroom is the universe, and our universe is but a
molecule of something greater than we can imagine.

We are energy, vibrating
and dancing; electrons and neutrons – man and woman,
engaged in the Dance of the Divine.

Chasing Emily Goes Electronic

I received a message from my publisher today to confirm that Lulu has finished the conversion of Chasing Emily to ePub format and have submitted it to the iBookstoreSM.

Lulu wants to make sure that Chasing Emily is available to every potential customer on the planet, starting with the 120 million+ readers who own an iPhone®, ...iPad®, or iPod touch® and shop at the iBookstore.

So my poetry book "Chasing Emily" is now available for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iBooks and on your computer with iTunes.

Go to the iTunes store and search for "Chasing Emily".

3-year-old recites poem, "Litany" by Billy Collins

I discovered this video on Facebook in the Billy Collins group. I thought it was amazing and worthy of posting here in my blog of poetry from across the web. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Book or Nook Here's What I Think

As an author, let me take a few moments to speak about something that bothers me and it concerns every author out there. What is it? It’s this relatively new phenomenon known as the eBook. In my previous blog I told about the “exciting news” of my book of poetry Chasing Emily being offered as an eBook by my publisher. As I re-read that blog, I realized I sounded like I was happy about the news. Okay, I supposed I would be happy about any idea that may help boost sales of my book. However, it got me to thinking about it.

Is the eBook really such a great idea? Sure the consumer is going to like it. It’s a pretty cool gadget. Imagine being able to download hundreds of books onto something as thin as a slice of pizza; and being able to carry all those books around with you wherever you go. I’m not talking about old books that are in public domain now, sure you can get those too, but I’m talking about the latest releases, the ones on Bestseller lists right now! In some cases books that aren’t even in the stores yet!

Wait a minute…did you notice a word in that last sentence that will be majorly affected by the eBook?

STORES! Bookstores. The one place we could always spend a few hours in browsing the shelves. What will happen to bookstores when no one goes to them anymore because they can download any book they want much easier that driving across town to the local Barnes & Noble? Ask Borders bookseller. Borders filed bankruptcy and has been forced to close stores all over the country. It’s only a matter of time before Barnes & Noble follows suit. Some of you may be old enough to remember the small neighborhood bookstores that were independently owned by mom and pop. Most of those went away quite some time ago. Why? Because the big chains such as Barnes & Noble and Borders forced them out of business because they couldn’t compete with the big boys. But the “big boys” aren’t as smart as they think they are. Walk into any Barnes & Noble today and what is the first thing you see when you walk through the doors?

A kiosk selling Kindles, or Nooks (the two major e-readers). Don’t they realize they’re putting themselves out of business! (I know that was a question, but I was yelling) If I were Barnes & Noble, (remember Borders is already gone), I wouldn’t allow a Kindle or a Nook salesperson within 500 feet of my store. Idiots!

Now back to the authors, I know some do not care what form their book is in just as long as they sell. Well speaking for myself, I’d much rather have a ‘book’; one that I can hold in my hands, that I can feel the paper, turn the pages, dog ear if I don’t have a bookmarker, smell. Did you ever notice the smell of a book? They have one you know. Have you smelled a Nook? It’s not the same.

Oh someone has already thought of that. You can now buy a candle that smells like a book! That’s right. You can also buy cologne that smells like books! Folks I’m not making this up. Check out the links that follow.

Some of you are probably thinking… there will always be books. It’s not like they’re going to outlaw them. My advice, go out and buy the book “Fahrenheit 451” by Ray Bradbury…that is, while you can still buy a book.

~ J

Marcia Clark's Debut Novel!

As a new novelist myself, I'm always interested in other novelist's first publications.

Marcia Clark has just release her debut novel,GUILT BY ASSOCIATION, and it is now in stores!

You will undoubtably remember Marcia Clark as the lead prosecutor in the O.J. Simpson "Trial of the Century," Marcia Clark is one of the most recognized figures from the legal world.

In 1997 Marcia Clark co/wrote a bestselling nonfiction book about the Simpson trial, "Without a Doubt" published by Viking Press.

She has appeared on programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, and Today and is constantly called upon by major media to discuss hot legal topics. She is a special correspondent for Entertainment Tonight and writes periodically for The Daily Beast.

In her debut novel, brilliant and tenacious, DA Rachel Knight lives and breathes her work and disdains office politics - a combustible combination that often gets her into trouble. She is a stalwart member of the elite Special Trials Unit, a small group of handpicked prosecutors that handles the toughest, most sensitive, and most celebrated cases in the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office.

At the end of a typical ten-hour day, Rachel has her sights set on an ice-cold martini at the Biltmore Hotel, where she lives. But on her way she's sidetracked by the wail of sirens and the commotion of a crime scene. Cops swarm around a seedy motel, where Rachel is surprised to discover that Jake, a dear friend and fellow prosecutor, has been murdered.

The suspicious and potentially explosive circumstances of Jake's death are never far from Rachel's thoughts as she takes on her fallen colleague's most politically charged case: the mysterious assault on a young woman from an influential L.A. family. Rachel enlists the help of her best friends and partners in crime-fighting -Toni, a fellow Special Trials prosecutor, and Bailey, a tough-as-nails LAPD detective to covertly undertake her own investigation into Jake's murder.

Rachel's drive to clear Jake's name exposes a world of power and violence that will have her risking her reputation - and her life- to find the truth.

Already at work on her second novel, Clark is dedicated to writing at a book-a-year pace. GUILT BY ASSOCIATION has huge potential as the first of a winning legal thriller series in the vein of Lisa Scottoline. This is the first in a two-book deal.

I picked up a copy of GUILT BY ASSOCIATION today and I'm looking forward to reading it. As a fellow novelist, I wish Marcia Clark much success with her first novel.


Billy Collins New Poetry Book

Happy to say Billy Collins' newest book of poetry is out. It's called "Horoscopes for the Dead". Be sure to check it out at your local Barnes and Noble or Steve's Sundries here in Tulsa. Here is the link to it on Barnes and Noble's website,

Also you may want to check out Billy's website at The only problem I have with his website is it's not kept up to date. It's still listing his newest book as one that was TWO BOOKS AGO! COME ON WHOEVER IS MAINTAINING THE BILLY COLLINS WEBSITE, GET WITH IT!

In any case Billy Collins is one of my favourite contempory poets. If you haven't read any of his stuff, do it. You'll like it.


My poetry publisher sent some exciting news about their effort to boost sales of "Chasing Emily" by making it available as an eBook. In the coming weeks they will submit my newly formatted eBook to Apple and request a listing in the iBookstore. My publisher tells me that in some cases they may need to make tweaks to my book's catalog data in order to meet Apple's requirements.

They will notify me once my eBook of "Chasing Emily" has been accepted by Apple and is available for sale in the iBookstore.

In any case, an eBook of "Chasing Emily" will be available at

I'm excited to venture into the world of eBooks...although I still prefer the feel and smell of hand-held, printed version of books.

Call me old fashioned...


Tulsa Poetry Reading

Below is a link to a YouTube video of a friend of mine by the name of Amy Luznicky. She is at a poetry reading night here in Tulsa, and her poem is called Love&Lust . I think she does a fantastic job. She's been trying to get me to attend a poetry reading night but I can never seem to find the time but I hope to soon.
I hope you enjoy the video.

~ J.