Political Ranting

Humm? For the past several days I haven't been able to log in on my blogger homepage. Must be a glitch in the service. I finally went to blogger.com and was able to log in there.
Couple of things this morning...
1st, the bailout! What a mess the George Bush administration has made of this country. Yes I, along with millions of other U.S. citizens blame George Bush. He's a Boob! And I would tell him that to his face.
We're paying for a war we didn't want. (He wanted it.) We're paying outrageous gas prices! People are losing their homes, their jobs, and everything they've worked for. Our country is on the verge of another Great Depression. The economy is in the toilet, because the Bush administration was more concerned on making war. (which by the way, we're losing); they wouldn't admit that though. It's another Viet Nam. As soon as we pull out things will go right back to the way they were, before we sent our sons and daughters over there to fight, not for America's freedom but for Iraq's. I'll repeat it...George Bush is a Boob.
2nd...The Presidential Race. This is going to be a close vote. EVERYONE must vote. Do we want four more years of Republican politics? Can we take four more years of the Bush way of thinking? Hell no! We must change and change now! President Clinton inherited a trillion dollar debt from the Republicans when he came into office. He got us out of debt. Think about it, OUT OF DEBT. As soon as Bush came into office, we went right back into debt. And everyday it gets worse in this country.
Don't you think it's funny that the Republican party doesn't want their choice of Vice President to do any talking to the media? That should show you, she isn't qualified to answer the tough questions she would be facing. At the end of the first Presidential debate, the Democrats had their Vice Presidential nominee Joe Biden give his take on the debate. But where was Sarah Palin for the Republican side? Ha ha ha ha....they instead sent 911 poster boy, Rudolph Giulani to do the talking. Come out from hiding Sarah Palin? You have a Vice Presidential debate coming up, what are you going to do, send Rudy in your place?
The sooner we get rid of Bush and his idiotic way of running this country, the better off we'll be.

Okay, that's my rant for the day...

~ J

No Writing Again

Well, I didn't get to write as I had planned on Monday. Not long after I got to work I started having a kidney stone attack. Had to rush home before it got too bad. Once there, it was! So I stayed home yesterday recuperating. If you've ever had kidney stones you know how bad it is.
I'm feeling much better today, just still feeling weak from the ordeal.

~ J

Monday Morning Back at Work

Didn't get any writing done again this weekend. I was too busy with other things, such as working in the yard at my mother-in-law's, and at my son's house. I'm exhausted and in a way, glad to be back at work on Monday morning.
Did get a chance to watch a couple of good movies though. We watched 'Untraceable' with Diane Lane and 'Baby Mama' with Tina Fey. They were both enjoyable.
I'm sure I'll get some writing done today, as I finished the last book I was reading and instead of starting another one, will do some writing instead.

~ J

Waiting to Exhale

When we have nothing to say, we should just listen. It's not that I have nothing to say. My mind is always busy. I've been thinking of writing more poetry.
For me, poetry seems to come in floods every two years. Why, I don't know. It's time I think. I can feel the poetry waters rising inside me. I definitely want to release another book of poems soon.
I no longer belong to any online poetry clubs, so I don't have that camaraderie with other poets. Here in the real world, I know of no one else who writes. So it's sort of like being on a raft in the ocean. I'm alone, with my pen and pad. I read somewhere once that writing can be a lonely path. Don't remember where I read it.
Hey on another subject....Billy Collins' new book of poems came out this week! It's called "Ballistics". I'm always excited when he releases a new book.

Well that's all for now...I have work to do.

Nameste ~ J

Karma is what we make of it.

What have I learned this week? I've learned to give when I didn't have it to give, to smile when I didn't feel like smiling, to praise others for their efforts when I myself recieved no praise, and to make the best of every situation, when things didn't go as expected.

I know by following these guidelines, I will receive as much as I give.

Nameste ~

As far as my writing this week goes, I've taken a little time off from it because it's been a busy week with other things going on. I plan on doing some writing this weekend. It's supposed to be a very rainy weekend with the weather from hurricane Ike blowing in.

~ J

Rejection Slip

I'm back from vacation. Didn't go anywhere just stayed around the house and recuperated from ten months since my last vacation. Nothing but relaxing, reading and writing. It was nice.

I did receive my 1st rejection slip though. Woo hoo!

I actually smiled when I got it. I knew what it was by the self-addressed stamped envelope. Before opening it, I held it up to the sunlight as if somehow confirming to myself exactly what it was. I could see the narrow strip of paper the size of a sales receipt inside the sealed envelope.
My wife, who had brought in the mail from the mailbox was standing nearby, asking what it was.

"It's a rejection slip." I said, smiling. "My first one!"

Somehow I felt I'd finally joined the ranks of some, (no make that all), of famous poets that had come before me. I immediately thought of Sylvia Plath, for some unexplained reason. Of how many of those little rejection slips she had received in her brief lifetime. Even after she became well known.

"Who's it from?" my wife asked. "How do you know that's what it is?"

I told her I could tell by the S.A.S.E.

I opened it...

It was from the Apalachee Review, and read:

Dear Contributor:
We have read your submission with interest but find it does not meet our needs. It may be helpful for you to get an idea of our interests and to see the typical style and subject matter of contributions we have accepted. A subscription for two issues is $15. The latest issue is available for $8. Back issues are $5. each.

The Editors

Will I subscribe? Doubtful. Will I submit to them again? Most assuredly. Did I toss the rejection slip into the trash? Heck no! I'm going to frame it.

Keep writing

~ J